This screening is part of The Power of Belgian Cinema.
It includes a lecture that starts at 6:30 PM.
The film itself will begin around 7:45 PM.
There is also a Q&A afterwards.

26 March 2024 | 18.30
110 minutes | OV-FR st EN (French language, English subtitles)
English below // Texte français en bas
Lecture “The Cinema of Chantal Akerman” by Anke Brouwers + LA CAPTIVE (2000)
This is the sixth in “The Power of Belgian Cinema”, a series of combined lectures and screenings highlighting the accomplishments of Belgian filmmakers on an international level. Over the course of eleven evenings, eleven Belgian film scholars will visit Cinema RITCS to discuss important movements, films, filmmakers in the moving history of Belgian cinema. Each lecture is followed by a screening of a Belgian film (with English subtitles). The screening is then followed by a short Q&A with the film scholar or an invited filmmaker.
18:30 – 19:30 : Lecture
19:45 – 21:45 : Film
About the film
The jealous obsession of a wealthy idler with his indifferent lover. Verbal abuse, neurotic spying and the enigmas of love in an astonishing, austere adaptation of Proust’s La Prisonnière by Chantal Akerman, with a screenplay that she co-wrote with Eric de Kuyper.
About the speaker
Anke Brouwers (Antwerp, 1980) studied Linguistics and Literature and received her PhD at the University of Antwerp on sentimentalism and the American silent film. She works as a lecturer and researcher for the University of Antwerp, RITCS and KASK & Conservatorium. She curated several film programs for The House of European History and the Dutch Silent Film Festival (Eindhoven) and regularly writes contributions on film in books and for (digital) cinephile publications.
She hosts the podcast Meet the Masters at the Ostend Film Festival. In 2021, she published the book Mooi zijn en zwijgen. De machtige vrouwen van de Amerikaanse stille film. Since 2022, she has been a board member of Cinematek, the Royal Belgian Film Archive.
Lezing “The Cinema of Chantal Akerman” by Anke Brouwers + LA CAPTIVE (2000)
Dit is de zesde film in de reeks “THE POWER OF BELGIAN CINEMA”, waarin telkens een klassieke Belgische film wordt voorgesteld met een Engelstalige lezing. De film wordt daarna vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
LA CAPTIVE: Waar meer dan in de liefde ervaart men de onoverbrugbare afstand tussen 2 personen? Geïnspireerd door Proust evoceren Akerman en coscenarist Eric de Kuyper de tot mislukken gedoemde poging van een man om zijn vriendin geheel te controleren.
Conference “The Cinema of Chantal Akerman” sur Anke Brouwers + LA CAPTIVE (2000)
C’est du sixième film de la série « THE POWER OF BELGIAN CINEMA » (LA PUISSANCE DU CINÉMA BELGE), dans lequel un film belge classique est présenté avec une conférence en anglais. Le film sera ensuite projeté sous-titré en anglais.
LA CAPTIVE: L’obsession jalouse d’un riche désoeuvré envers sa nonchalante maîtresse. Harcèlement verbal, traque maladive et ambiguïté du sentiment amoureux, pour une sidérante adaptation distanciée de La Prisonnière de Proust par Chantal Akerman, sur un scénario co-écrit avec Eric de Kuyper.
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