Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon (1987) – Mai Masri, Jean Khalil Chamoun

1hr 11min | Arabic language, English subtitles
English below // Texte français en bas

In deze bekroonde documentaire richten regisseurs Masri en Chamoun zich op de vrouwen van Zuid-Libanon, die een cruciale rol speelden in de strijd tegen de Israëlische invasie in de jaren tachtig. Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon legt hun verhalen vast op camera en is een aangrijpende documentaire over moed, verzet en hoop.

Filmmakers Jean Khalil Chamoun, uit Libanon, en Mai Masri, uit Palestina, ontmoetten elkaar voor het eerst in 1982 en trouwden in 1986. Ze richtten Nour Productions op en hebben mee documentaires geregisseerd voor internationale tv-kanalen zoals BBC, Channel 4, PBS en Al Jazeera Documentary Channel. Voor kijkers over de hele wereld hebben de films van Mai Masri en Jean Chamoun een inkijkje gegeven in het dagelijks leven en de strijd van mensen die in Palestina en Libanon wonen.

In samenwerking met Tashattot Collectief. Nagesprek met filmmakers Cindy Chehab, Asma Laajimi en May Herbawe.

In this award-winning documentary, directors Masri and Chamoun focus on the women who played a crucial role in fighting the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon. Preserving their stories on camera, Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon is a poignant documentary about courage, resistance, and hope.

Filmmakers Jean Khalil Chamoun, from Lebanon, and Mai Masri, from Palestine, first met in 1982 and were married in 1986. They founded Nour Productions and have co-directed documentaries for international TV channels such as BBC, Channel 4, PBS, and Al Jazeera Documentary Channel. For audiences around the world, the films of Mai Masri and Jean Chamoun have provided a glimpse into the everyday lives and struggles of people living in Palestine and Lebanon.

In collaboration with Tashattot Collective. Aftertalk with filmmakers Cindy Chehab, Asma Laajimi and May Herbawe.

About the speakers:

Cindy Chehab is a Lebanese film curator, filmmaker, and video editor whose work is rooted in post-colonial theories, focusing on the identity of the SWANA region while engaging with themes of Europeanization and orientalism. Through her documentary practice, Cindy employs an ethno-biographical approach to explore the intimate and political intersection. She is pursuing a master’s degree in Film Preservation, Archival Research and European Culture,in Brussels, Lisbon, and Dublin as part of Filmmemory’s first edition program.

– Born in 1999, Asma Laajimi is a Tunisian filmmaker and visual artist living in Brussels. Following studies in graphic design and photography, Asma graduated from Luca School of Arts in Brussels with an MA in filmmaking. Working between film, photography, installation and text, Asma’s practice is deeply rooted in her lived experience, exploring and blurring the boundaries between the real and the fictional, the personal and the collective, the emotional and the political. Her films have been screened in festivals such as Cinemed Montpellier (FR), JCC Carthage Film Festival (TN) and Locarno Film Festival (CH).

– Born in 1995, May Herbawe is a Palestinian photographer and visual artist based in Brussels. Following studies in photography and audiovisual, she is currently a student of MA in filmmaking at Luca School of Arts, Brussels. Working with mediums of video, photography, sound, research, May seeks to shed light on the complexities of the human experience, delving into the profound psychological effects of living under prolonged oppression, dual reality and the resulting trauma, focusing on her struggle to humanize her existence. Winner of Karimeh Abboud award 2016 , and took part in many group exhibitions.

Dans ce documentaire primé, les réalisatrices Masri et Chamoun se concentrent sur les femmes qui ont joué un rôle crucial dans la lutte contre l’invasion israélienne du sud du Liban. En préservant leurs histoires devant la caméra, Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon est un documentaire poignant sur le courage, la résistance et l’espoir.

Les cinéastes Jean Khalil Chamoun, du Liban, et Mai Masri, de Palestine, se sont rencontrés pour la première fois en 1982 et se sont mariés en 1986. Ils ont fondé Nour Productions et ont co-réalisé des documentaires pour des chaînes de télévision internationales telles que BBC, Channel 4, PBS et Al Jazeera Documentary Channel. Pour les publics du monde entier, les films de Mai Masri et Jean Chamoun ont donné un aperçu de la vie quotidienne et des luttes des personnes vivant en Palestine et au Liban.

En collaboration avec le Collectif Tashattot. Aftertalk avec les cinéastes Cindy Chehab, Asma Laajimi et May Herbawe.

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